STATE - Pt 1

June 17th - 26th:
After weeks and weeks of careful
planning and great deliberation over amount of clothing to take and number of
suitcases to pack them in, we finally got to Tullamarine Airport on the morning
of June 17 for our flight to San Francisco via Sydney. Arrived in Sydney about
lunch-time and a couple of delayed flight announcements later, we were informed
that our United Airlines flight to San Francisco had been cancelled due to some
mechanical problem. Amidst groans of disappointment from fellow travellers,
came a further announcement that cheered us a little - we would be transported
by a courtesy bus to the Stamford Sydney Airport Hotel to enjoy a complimentary
overnight stay in a luxurious suite, a bottle of fine wine plus a complimentary
late lunch and dinner that night.
made a couple of frantic phone calls
the delay (to our family in Melbourne and another to our friend ANGEL
in WA), before we headed off to the hotel and made the most of this
"compensation". A three course meal was enjoyed in the hotel restaurant before
we headed off for a leisurely walk to the stores. From there we went up to our
suite for a relaxing bath then went downstairs again to enjoy a scrumptious
smorgasbord buffet dinner which included tons of our favourite seafood. YUM! In
the morning, we were again on the bus to get back to Sydney Airport and from
there we had a pleasant and uneventful flight to San Francisco, arriving some
14 1/2 hours later, on the day that we left, as we "gained" a day when we
crossed the International Date Line. No mucking about on our arrival in San
Francisco though, it was a mad dash through customs and immigration checks to
catch the connecting flight to SeaTac Airport.
WASHINGTON, at last!!!
There at SeaTac to welcome us was our
friend, Blue Eye Angel - at this stage, we have been internet friends for about
a year but we had never met until that day. All doubtful thoughts vanished as
soon as we clapped eyes on one another - there was that magical instant rapport
usually only found in friendships of many years standing. But I digress...
Where was I? Oh yes, after hauling our suitcases into ANGEL's vehicle, we
headed for Eatonville to meet the rest of her family and friends. Once they
began to understand our Aussie Speak beyond, "G'day, howsitgoing?", we got on
famously with the universal language of FOOD! Of course there was a bit more
confusion in that area as we have different names for some food - e.g. Aussies
do not eat Cheerios for breakfast, we have our Cheerios with tomato sauce! No,
we are not stark raving mad, because what we call "cheerios" are little hot dog
sausages. Another item of food that caused a few raised eyebrows was "jelly" -
we have our jelly as a dessert (fruit-flavoured wobbly stuff - Jello?) and not
on bread.
We couldn't wait to see and ANGEL couldn't
wait to show us the sights so the very next morning saw us all at the North
West Trek Wildlife Park. Of course old Busy Fingers here took many, many photos
of almost all the native animals that were out and about in this massive
wildpark. Of course there were no native Australian animals like kangaroos or
koalas but we sure saw heaps and heaps of American fauna - elks, racoons,
etc... We enjoyed a guided coach tour of the park where we could see the
animals roaming wild and free in the various sections. The outing took the best
part of the day and all too soon it was time to call it a day and head for
ANGEL's home. An enjoyable outing indeed on a lovely sunny day too!
couple of days later, it was off to Pike Place
Market (Farmers Market) in
downtown Seattle to be amazed by the abundance of Copperhead Salmon, Dungeoness
Crabs and Monkfish in the seafood market. Unfortunately, our curiosity at
seeing Geoduck (Prounounced "gooey-duck" - the name comes from the Nisqually
Indian "gwe-duk" meaning "dig-deep"; scientific name: Panopea abrupta) up close
and personal couldn't be fulfilled. [Geoduck photo courtesy of Washington's
Outer Limits] I loved the atmosphere of this bustling market place with fruit,
vegetables, flowers and crafts galore. ANGEL took us on the Bremerton Ferry on
the return trip which gave us an awesome view of Seattle with majestic Mt
Rainier seemingly in every direction we face!
we could catch our breath, it was decided that we would go to Ocean Shores, so
we piled in the car and off we went. Had brunch of yummy clam chowder in a cafe
just before Ocean Shores - clam
chowder in a bread bowl... mmmm... We then
continued on our way and walked a lo-ong way along the beach in the hopes of
finding a recently washed-up perfect sand dollar and --- hey, what about
geoducks??? I looked real hard but it was no good - I guess we weren't in the
right area for geoduck. I did however come across an intriguing
piece of driftwood with a whole bunch of baby bivalves attached to it... Could
it be very young geoducks? I am left wondering to this day! As for the sand
dollar - alas, all we managed to find were a few broken ones so we went to the
souvenir shop to purchase a few specimens for good luck. All too soon, it was
time for the long drive back to Eatonville...
I introduced our friends to my
Special Fried Rice and Sweet and Sour Chicken and soon had them begging for
more. ANGEL and her hubby treated us to a great dinner at an Outback Steakhouse
and until then I have never even heard of the dish, "Blooming Onion" let alone
tasted it! You see, the only Outback Steakhouse we have in Australia is in
Sydney... And what do I think of the Blooming Onion? Simply "bewdiful"!!! I
really must try and see if I can duplicate this dish at home one of these days.
On days when we had been sightseeing or
shopping and nobody felt like cooking,
we would head off to Doreen's Cafe for a feed of yummy Philly Burgers!
Another great "body-building" food as I call it - not an ounce of fat but
lashings of it!!! But hey, who's worried about fat and bad cholesterol when on
holidays, right? Certainly not me!
How true the saying, "Time flies when you're having fun..." as before we knew
it, it was time to head off to Canada (British Columbia) - for the second part
of our holiday. ANGEL got us to the Greyhound depot at Tacoma and waved us off
on June 26. I believe they had a little party afterwards to celebrate their
temporary respite.
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